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Showing posts from August, 2014

Adidas 24 Hour Thunder Run

    At first it was the relaxed comment at the end of a meeting with Stevie Gildea that got me committed to the race. When he mentioned a bunch of people from 2Pure were going down to the Thunder Run I should have said 'thank you for the waffles.' That's obviously how you end most conversations. Instead when he said he might do it for a bit of training I responded with 'aye, I'm keen.' Because that's exactly the training I need too. For all those race plans that I don't have. Ah well. Then it was the relaxed comment at the end of the phone conversation that got me into even slightly more bother. The very clichéd '(we'll) just do it.' With 'it' being the solo. We could just stop if we got tired if we wanted anyway. With my unsuccessful record in 24 hour races, how could anything possibly be wrong with that decision?! During the Great Glen Way Ultra I picked up...